

Break Time
The People Who Make The World a Better Place
“in” or “on”

I will miss you so much
2000-06-24  作者(来源):[暂无]

     I was  sweating through a hot August afternoon when the phone rang. It was my good friend Ashleigh. 
    "I  have  something  to  tell you, Rach. … " There was a long, uncomfortable pause, then  she continued.  "My  dad  accepted  a  job  back in Mississippi, and we have to leave in two weeks." 
As  Ashleigh told me about  the  move, she  tried  hard to reassure me that she’d come and visit as often as possible. 
    "But  Ash,"  I  said, "it  won’t  be  the same without you at school and without you being there to talk to!" 
    Suddenly  I  felt  tears  coming  into  my  eyes. We talked about all the memories we shared,  times  we ’d   prayed  together  and  cried  together.  And  laughed  together. " Remember  our  group  English  project?"  asked  Ashleigh. "I  thought there was  no way we’d ever get the work done!" 
    "I  can’t  even   believe  we   still   ended   up  with  an  A! " I said with a laugh. She laughed, too, and suddenly I felt a little better. 
    We  went  on  to  talk  about  tons  of  trips  to  the mall, all of our inside jokes and dozens of phone calls going on and on. 
    After  we  hung  up, I  fell  onto  my bed and sobbed. "God, why  does this have to happen?" I cried. "It’s not fair that someone I care so much about has to just leave!" 
    That was last summer. In the months that followed, Ashleigh and I have worked hard to keep in touch. She’s  visited three times already, and we talk on the phone as often as our parents let us. We  also  pray for each other, and we’ve challenged each other to keep God first in our lives. No, our  friendship  will  never be like it was, but  it has grown in some really cool ways. It might not have grown like that if she hadn’t moved. I guess God knew what he was doing. 
    As  I  think  about  Ashleigh,  I  can’t   help but remember this verse: "… there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother". 
    It’s  so  important  to  have  a  close, Christian friend who will listen to you, care about you no matter what,  pray  for you, and help you grow in your relationship with Christ. I’m glad Ashleigh is that kind of friend.


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