

The People Who Make The World a Better Place
“in” or “on”

Break Time
2000-06-24  作者(来源):[暂无]

My eyes were glued to the television as the words across the bottom of the screen listed school after school. "Where’s my school?" I whined as I shut off the TV and continued working through my mound of homework. 

It  was  nearly  midnight, and  the  snow and ice fell rapidly. As I stared out my window before I went to sleep, the  streets  and  yard  looked  like  a  sea of marshmallows. I couldn’t believe I’d have to gather up my books in the morning and wade to the bus stop. 

When  my  radio  alarm  went  off, I  listened as the DJ read the list of schools that were closed. This time my school made the list! 

I fell back on my pillow, smiling as I drifted back to sleep. Around noon, I dragged myself out of bed. I got on the phone and started calling friends, to find out how everybody else was spending the day off. Somebody suggested we pull out our sleds and meet on the hill over by my old elementary school. After bundling up, I headed for the schoolyard. 

As I prepared for another ride down the slippery hill, a snowball smacked me on the back of my head. I turned to see Katie standing several feet from me, grinning and reaching for more snow. I grabbed my own handful of snow, pressed it into a solid white ball and tossed it, hitting her on the side of her arm. I shouted, "Gotcha back!" Before long, all my friends had joined the fight. 

We  spent  that  whole  afternoon  sledding, and making snowmen and snow angels. Sometime during the day, something  hit me besides a snowball. I realized I was actually having fun. Fun? Boy, that was a word I hadn’t thought of for a real long time. I’d been so busy with papers, tests and worrying over grade point averages that I’d forgotten how to have a good time. 

As  we  continued  to  play  in  the  snow,  I  was  amazed at  how young I felt--and acted. With thoughts  of  homework, tests and papers on hold, I felt so carefree. It was almost as if I was 5 years old again! 

I believe  God  used  that  big  snowfall  to  wake  me  up  to an important truth: No matter how "grown up" I think I am, no matter how  busy  my schedule gets, I have to take time to play and laugh. After all, decent grades aren’t worth much if I’m too burned out to enjoy them.


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